Innocent By-stander Badge
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A Club of “A Great Men”call to their aid theI NNOCENT BY-STANDER#004
Authenticated Certificate
under the clause of the constitution which prohibits slavery
Using the Means of vindication Sec.4 On April 9 1866 which was adopted into the 14th amendment that says a Freemen’s Bureau Agent shall be, and they are hereby, specially authorized and required, at the expense of the United States to institute proceeding against all and everybody' who shall violate the provision of the act called Means of vindication act., they are hereby authorize and empowered, within their counties respectfully, with authority to summon and call to their aid a innocent bystander clause of the constitution which prohibits slavery
As a member of the Freedmen’s Bureau the Revised Act of 1866-Federal Act 241 ,1866- Who are they? Are they persons belonging to the Army or Navy of the United States? And can you by act of
Congress say that A B, who in fact is in civil life, An attempt is made by this law, therefore, to subvert a plain, palpable provision of the Federal Constitution by rendering civilians
subject to military jurisdiction and affording them military protection. And you bring these great men in direct conflict with the civil authority
We exempt him in fact from trial for any wrong whatever, murder, breach of the peace, or any crime that can be committed. You exempt the party committing such offenses from responsibility to the
civil tribunals.
This provision of this law is totally subversive of the civil law of the land, and it is subjecting the civil authority in time of peace to the military authority.
This Marine civilian is a Great Man commissioners and agents are made judges, and judges in reference to title to lands, and judges, too, from whose decision there is to be no appeal
Stop Constitution Violations and share my immunity an A B, who in fact is in civil life, who is a Great Man and a FREEMEN’S BUREAU COMMISSIONER
Authenticated this Certificate of an INNOCENT BY-Stander #---and when used at our
10,000 member party and we win you will be immune from all crimes except Ten Commandment crimes for life hereby, specially authorized these certificate on Jan. 1,2009 as the first Great man
federal Judge of this time ------Basil Marceaux Sr.--------------------------------------------------------
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